
Friday, 20 September 2019

String of Hearts

I moved the String of Pearls to the craft room, next to the balcony doors (and beside my succulent collection). The new shoots have been growing, but they were turned towards the balcony doors in the living room, so I think it could do with more sunlight - unfortunately it's been dull and grey today.

I had one of the cuttings I bought (either from Malta or Portugal) recently in the ceramic wellies, but it wasn't getting a lot of light either, so I've re-planted it in the pot with the larger String of Pearls. 

The cuttings I have in water don't seem to be rooting yet, but the lengths of String of Pearls I put in the opaque plastic bag has a couple of think white roots! I started rooting them on 10th September, so I think I have to be a little bit more patient and they'll eventually all root and I can plant them all in one pot and get a nice, bushy String of Pearls. Later on, when I need to move the String of Pearls into a larger pot I want to plant it in a hanging pot - I have a nice big brown plastic hanging "basket" for it.

I've put a length of bamboo on the supports of the old living room curtain rod, and I want to see how I can hang pots from it. At the moment if I hang a pot with a hanger from the bamboo pole the plant is too high to get any light, so I'll need to add S hooks or maybe rope around the rod, and then hang the pots from the extra length I'll have added ... 

UPDATE - Scrap that ... I've bought 4 chains from AliExpress!  I think they're meant to be used in sets of three, for hanging pots, but I want to clip one end of the (24cm) chain to the bamboo pole, and the other end to the hook on the pot hanger.

Mystery Pot

I can't remember buying this pot ... It's an 11cm pot, the size I want for my succulents, but I doubt I would have bought just one. Thing is, when I went to tell the seller the pot was damaged (it has three cracks) I couldn't find anything on eBay or AliExpress!  

I've fixed the cracks with Polyfilla, but I doubt it will hold water or soil now, but I don't want to throw it way just yet.

Thursday, 12 September 2019


Bought this little tree today. If it's still alive in December I will probably put decorations on it! I'm going to treat it as a normal houseplant and hopefully it will grow.

Tuesday, 10 September 2019


My Aeonium Haworthii Pinwheel had been looking a bit sad for a while, but because they're in their dormant season I thought it would revive in winter. It had some brown spots, but looked healthy. But this morning I found it had wilted! I've kept those three leaves, but I've read that you can't propagate from aeonium leaves ...

String of Hearts

The String of Hearts was very long, but it looked a little bald in parts ... plus I want a bushier plant ... so I've given it a good haircut! 

So I've put lots of bits into a pot of water, to root, and I've put one long length into a plastic bag and sprayed it with water, and hopefully that too will root. I saw this last method on YouTube and it worked really well, so fingers crossed.


This is the Greenovia cutting (from Succulents Ireland) which I was attempting to root in water. I noticed the outer leaves were coming off - and that little plantlet to the right of the main plant dropped off - so I've finally put it in a little pot and watered it. Hope it thrives!

Sunday, 8 September 2019

Leaf Propagation - Update

So, this is what's left of the 28 leaves I bought from Dabri Plants. The large dark leaf on the right is a Perle von Nurnberg, which I think isn't going to make it ...  The little one next to it is a Pachphytum Bracteosum and that has tiny roots, so I still hope it will grow a baby plant.

The Crassula Pagoda (two leaves) seems to be growing tiny plantlets, and a few roots. The other four - Echeveria Black Prince, Echeveria Lilacina, Echeveria Marrom and Graptoveria Fred Ives are the most promising! Fingers crossed I'll get these to grow into adult plants.

Charity Shop Mug

It took over a week, but I finally managed to drill a drainage hole in the bottom of the mug I bought in the charity shop last week! This succulent is one of the ones which came in the Gibralflora arrangement. 

This one above, and the one below, had grown leggy and I had to behead them, and although they look better they're still not as pretty as when I bought them. So I've decided to disassemble the arrangement. I want to put this one (below) in a separate pot, but I don't have any small pots at the moment. By the way, the leaves on this one below fall off at the slightest knock!

The third plant, on the other hand, has grown really big, and it looks pretty healthy -

That is a 20 cm pot!

This is what the arrangement looked like when I first got it, but unfortunately it didn't get as much sun as it should have ...

I'm propagating leaves from the two "damaged" plants, so hopefully I'll have a few babies soon.

New Home for my Succulents!

I assembled the Argos greenhouse shelf unit when it was delivered last week, but I've spent ages securing the shelves with cable ties - I couldn't do a lot at once because it's been so hot and sticky over the past week or so! Then today ... we had a heavy downpour, with thunder and lightning. I had to lighten the photos below, because it was so dark! Still not 100% happy with the wobbly wire shelves, but I'll just have to be careful when I remove the pots, and put them back on. I've used the strawberry boxes to put some of the smaller pots in, so that they don't move around as much. 

I watered all of the succulents yesterday ... something which is getting more and more difficult because I have so many! Hopefully when it gets cooler it will become easier. I was sweating like a pig after watering the plants ...

Monday, 2 September 2019

The Shelves Are Here!

The shelves for my succulents are finally here! They were quick and easy to assemble, but the wire shelves are loose, and although they included the string/rope to secure them to the poles, I'm going to use cable ties instead ... but I don't have any, so will have to buy some tomorrow!

And since it was a pack of two shelf units, I have a second set going spare - and for which I have to find a place to store them. 

The succulents are all on the floor, on the desk, etc. I want to secure the shelves, then water all the succulents and arrange them on the shelves. Oh, and I also have to clean those windows!