It took over a week, but I finally managed to drill a drainage hole in the bottom of the mug I bought in the charity shop last week! This succulent is one of the ones which came in the Gibralflora arrangement.
This one above, and the one below, had grown leggy and I had to behead them, and although they look better they're still not as pretty as when I bought them. So I've decided to disassemble the arrangement. I want to put this one (below) in a separate pot, but I don't have any small pots at the moment. By the way, the leaves on this one below fall off at the slightest knock!
The third plant, on the other hand, has grown really big, and it looks pretty healthy -
This is what the arrangement looked like when I first got it, but unfortunately it didn't get as much sun as it should have ...
I'm propagating leaves from the two "damaged" plants, so hopefully I'll have a few babies soon.
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