
Saturday, 27 July 2019

Dead Echeveria, Shelves, Pots ...

This is one of the gifts I got with my order from the Canaries. I've moved all of the plants from that order into the craft room, but haven't watered them yet. When I picked this one up I noticed the centre of the plant was black and when I touched it all of the leaves dropped off. The stem was black, dry and hollow! If I'd watered them I would have thought I had given them too much water, but I haven't watered these yet.

The shelves I wanted from Argos aren't available any more, which doesn't surprise me because they were so cheap, so I've asked them to check if these other shelves are in stock -

It's a pack of two, but for now I only have room for one of them, but, who knows, maybe at a future date I'll be able to use the second shelving unit. 

There's no room left to put any more plants on the wicker shelves, and I've had to start putting some on the floor, which isn't ideal. 

I had to move the shelves a little bit further back, so I hope the plants all get enough light. (I really need to clean those filthy windows!)

When I get my new shelves I also want to re-pot some of the plants into smaller pots - like that sempervivum on the right of the this photo - the pot it's in is huge, plus I could do with that size pot for other plants. 

I went out earlier today, to get some more pots from GibralFlora. I thought these lighter ones were the same size as the ones in the photo above, but they're a little bit larger. I got 14, and I think I'm going to go back and buy a few more on Monday, because I know that I won't be able to get them if I wait until I actually need them. The darker terracotta pots were 80p each, and these are 90p.

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