Ooh, exciting ... Gavin said he'd be back from Holland on Tuesday, but to wait until Wednesday afternoon to make sure the plants were out and priced. I was supposed to meet Ang outside Gibralflora at 4.00 pm, but she got there early ... and I had to rush to meet her! I said I wouldn't buy more than 4 plants - I have a lot already, plus I plan to buy a few more in Manchester ...
So I had these 4 -
Because not all the plants are labelled, I can't be 100% sure ... but I think this is an Echeveria Setosa. I had to get it because I like the furry leaves. It doesn't look a lot like the Setosa I had, and which died, but the pictures of Setosa on the Internet look exactly like this plant.
Again, not labelled. I thought this was a haworthia ... but it could also be an aloe. I liked that it came in this "fibre" hanging pot.
Hoya carnosa. There were two plants, one with more pink, but I chose this one.
And this is a Peperomia - maybe Obtusifolia 'Marble' Leaves? I wish they had proper identification labels 😕
Then, as I was standing at the counter, waiting for Ang to pay for her large haul ... I looked up and saw two more I had to have!
Portalucaria afra, or Elephant Bush. It's in a hanging pot, and has lots of trailing branches.
And this is a Cotyledon tomentosa (or Bear's Paw), another plant with furry leaves!
We were planning on going to a garden centre in Manchester, but now I think we should stick to the two shops in town - Flourish and Norethern Flower - and stay away from too much temptation!
There are still a few plants on my wish list though ...
I forgot to take a photo of Mum's portalucaria which I re-potted today. It was Gran's and she had it planted in a large (and very heavy) terracotta basket. I took my drill and after Mum and I cleaned the basket, I drilled a drainage hole in the bottom of the basket, for when she wants to use it for another plant, or plants.
Ang went to buy Mum a pot and saucer for the plant I was going to re-pot, and she also bought me a pot of cat grass for Cody. He started to nibble on it as soon as I showed it to him! Tilly doesn't even bother ... This is another plant Ang mentioned to Gavin, and he remembered and brought back a few.